Michigan Golf Provides $6.1 Billion Impact, Study Reveals


 LANSING – The Michigan golf industry's total economic impact is $6.1 billion, yes billion, in part because the state is home to 859 courses, including the most public golf courses in the nation, stands as the top winter-interrupted golf tourism destination in the country and provides 61,000 jobs according to a recently completed study by the ...

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Golf Day at the Capitol


Allied Golf Associations to Bring Message of Industry's $6.1 Billion Economic Impact to Michigan Legislators LANSING – "Let's do lunch at the turn Michigan Legislators!" The Michigan golf industry will share its impactful messages and results from a new National Golf Foundation (NGF) study with each state legislator on Thursday by presenting the po...

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Golf Day at the Capitol

Legislative-Day-Group-2024 Michigan Golf Alliance on the Capitol Building front steps.

 Rep. Angela Witwer Helps Allied Golf Associations Spread Message of Industry's Impact in Michigan LANSING – State Rep. Angela Witwer (D-Delta Township) has played golf since age eight, grew up in golf-rich Northern Michigan and every vacation used to be a golf vacation before she became an elected official. "Golf is something I love and have ...

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Michigan Golf Course Association 
411 W. Lake Lansing Rd, Suite A110
East Lansing, MI 48823


O: 517.482.4312
MI Toll Free: 1.800.860.8575

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