Golden Passbook Program
Donate Rounds to Support Advocacy for Michigan Golf
For just $475, Golden Passbook golfers enjoy reduced rate greens fees for twosomes and some foursomes at 50+ of Michigan’s finest golf courses, with minimal restrictions.
100% of the Funds Raised from Your Contribution to the Golden Passbook Benefit Our Mission: to promote and preserve the best interests of the Michigan Golf Industry through advocacy, education and promotion.
In 2024 MGCA utilized the funds raised from the 2024 Golden Passbook to support the 2023 Economic Impact Survey and Report for Michigan Golf, further strengthening our government advocacy and the game of golf. Using this report, we educate the legislative community on the importance of the golf industry to the State of Michigan.

Would Your Golf Course Like to Participate?
Contact Jada Paisley at the MGCA jpaisley@michigangca.org for information on how to be included in the next book!