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SBAM Pooled Employer Retirement Plan Webinar
Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 11:30am - 12:00pm

SBAM Pooled Employer Retirement Plan Webinar

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Learn how SBAM’s Pooled Employer Retirement Plan can help you attract and retain valuable employees while saving with tax credits, and reducing your fiduciary responsibilities.

Our partners, Transamerica and Graystone Consulting – Farmington Hills, a business of Morgan Stanley – will explain the advantages of switching from a SIMPLE IRA to the SBAM Pooled Employer Retirement Plan (SBAM PEP) including higher contribution amounts, tax advantages, potential cost savings and flexibility in plan features.

  • Plan cost credit: Start-up plans may be eligible for up to $5,000 tax credit to cover the TAG annual administrative fee (for 3 years).
  • Employer contribution credit: Start-up plans may be eligible for a new employer contribution tax credit up to $1,000 annually per employee, over the plan’s first five years.
  • Additional $500 annual credit for three years when a business establishes a retirement plan with automatic enrollment.
  • No initial set-up fees.

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