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“Owner’s Perspective—Getting to the Other Side of Fear” at the Golf Business Conference
Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 10:45am - 11:30am


Join MGCA Member, Jeff Hoag, at This Year’s Conference! 
“Owner’s Perspective—Getting to the Other Side of Fear”

Tuesday, January 23

This panel of nationwide NGCOA member owners discuss the biggest challenges and obstacles they faced in 2023, the “why” behind their decisions, and how they’ve navigated their golf course businesses through it all. What does this mean for 2024? Bring your questions and plan to share your experiences during this interactive and open conversation.

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Michigan Golf Course Association 
411 W. Lake Lansing Rd, Suite A110
East Lansing, MI 48823


O: 517.482.4312
MI Toll Free: 1.800.860.8575

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