About the MGCA

Why Does the MGCA Exist?

Why are we here? The short answer is "to promote and preserve the best interests of the Michigan golf industry." That's what the mission statement says, written almost 40 years ago. That mission hasn't changed. We are grateful to our members and our industry partners for making the MGCA the "voice of Michigan golf business."


A Letter From MGCA President, Jim Szilagyi

New Season Brings Renewed Purpose

April Showers bring a sense of renewed purpose for Golf Course Operators and Facilities. Another year is underway, and based on enthusiasm in the market for our business, the game and the business of the game is an improving situation. Operating costs drive our business and temper any Operator’s enthusiasm and ultimately potential profits. The supply chain has still not figured itself out, but we are hopeful that it will happen soon. So, while many are singing a happy song, the true Operator continues to say resoundingly, “we’ll see.”

The Michigan Golf Course Association (MGCA) has led the way along with assistance from the MI Golf Course Superintendents Association (MIGCSA) and the Michigan Turf Grass Foundation (MTF) with the Registered Apprenticeship Program. The job market (pipeline) for Golf Course Superintendents is at a critical stage. Many of our facilities have aging Turf staff that need to be transitioned, and replaced. So, while the industry has the appearance of health due to increased participation, Operators have the distinct challenge in front of them to keep the good times rolling. Nowhere is that more critical than with our Golf Course Maintenance Departments. The MGCA staff is actively working to provide more opportunities for every facility and individual interested in a career in Golf. Watch for more information in Tee-Off Times and informational releases.

A big “shout out” to Larry Lavely and Mike Brown, whose Sundance Golf Course (part of the multi-course A-Ga-Ming operation) won the 2023 MGCA Golf Course of the Year. They went on to represent MGCA as the NGCOA’s Regional Course of the Year. Sundance is a true gem sitting high atop a hill overlooking Torch Lake in Kewadin, MI. They are proof positive that good things happen to good people. Larry & Mike have worked extremely hard to make all their course operations the best they could be for years.

If you can, join us for Legislative Day on Thursday, June 6 at the MI State Capitol. The Michigan Golf Alliance (All the Allied Golf Associations in MI) join together to promote issues and interact with our state legislators. It’s better known as “Lunch on the Lawn” It is your chance to interact with our state legislators in a relaxed yet impactful forum.

Challenges ahead?....Always! With the great people in our business supporting each other we’ll get through any challenge we face...together! The glass is always a little more than half full for Golf Course Operators, and in the immortal words of Kosmo Kramer (Seinfeld)...”GIDDY UP!”

Jim Szilagyi
MGCA President

Owner, Operator
LYNX Golf Course


Michigan Golf Course Association 
411 W. Lake Lansing Rd, Suite A110
East Lansing, MI 48823


O: 517.482.4312
MI Toll Free: 1.800.860.8575

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